Thursday, August 03, 2006

Identical meanings and not ...

Well, let's take an example that is the easiest way to describe things - the word: cousin

When you look at this word you will find three defined meanings:

- The child of a person's uncle or aunt
- A daughter of a persons's uncle or aunt
- A son of a person's uncle or aunt

Now when translating from English to other languages - let's say German, you have (at least) four translations for the first defined meaning and (at least) two for the other two.

This means in the first case you will for example add the German translations:
Cousin, Vetter, Cousine, Base
and the check box for identical meaning must remain empty.

In the second case you will have: Cousine, Base
And in the third case: Cousin, Vetter

When you look at this now (3 August 2006, 13:49 UTC) you will se that people did not add the translations to the first defined meaning. I suppose this is because it is still not a 100% clear how to handle these situations. (And this is the reason for this note :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone checks this famous checkbox "identical meaning" to say that wordA has a meaning identical to wordB, is the software able to determine that wordB has the same meaning that wordA, so the other box should also be checked ?

I ask this question because it doesn't seem to be the case right now (see the french word cousin and the swedish word kusin: kusin has the checkbox crossed, while cousin hasn't).

It is OK with me if it is too difficult to do automagically and people have to do it by hand, I just wanted to know ;o) Or perhaps I had it all wrong from the start ?

12:33 am  

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